Mr. Gatti's Pizza
Why We Did It
Our goal was to generate more than 500,000 impressions among target consumers in specific markets in order to drive awareness of Mr. Gatti's Back-To-School Promotion.
Reinforce the message that Mr. Gatti's is more than pizza and more than games for consumers, also that Mr. Gatti's is a premier and affordable place for the family to eat, play and make memories.
Photo by @BrittanyComeauxBlog

How We Did It
Targeted mommy influencers in Mr. Gatti's key markets of Kentucky, Dallas, Austin and Louisiana.
Worked with Mr. Gatti's to craft back-to-school messaging to appear in each post, utilizing the #MrGattisBackToSchool hashtag in order to unify the campaign across social media.
Photo by @AshleyGlass

What We Did
Researched and aligned Mr. Gatti's with 5 popular influencers whose dedicated followers matched Mr. Gatti's target consumer in each area.
Drafted blog and social media guidelines delivering key back-to-school and Mr. Gatti's messaging for influencer posts.
Coordinated 2 giveaway opportunities and structured the contest to benefit Mr. Gatti's social following.
Photo by @LiveLuvTexas

What Happened
Earned more than 2.2 million impressions.
Secured 46 social media posts.
Earned over 1,700 social media likes and 76 comments.
The Daily Meal shared Rural Mom's post, earning over 1 million impressions.
Photo by @BrittanyComeauxBlog

Supported with awesome photography, Brittany Comeaux shared a touching hometown connection:
“We even got to have a touching conversation with the manager about their location and how they rebounded from the 2016 flood. As we looked for a little R&R from our back-to-school mania we got to hear how this Mr. Gatti's provided that same, much needed, respit for a recovering community.”
Live Love Texas generated over 560 likes on her Instagram post sharing her experience at Mr. Gatti’s.
Ashley Glass generated over 500 likes and 45 comments on her Instagram post.
Photo by @brittanycomeauxblog

Take a peek at some of the posts